Friday, June 29, 2018

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Jukebox Jamboree!

I know that I throw around the word "need" entirely too much around here but I NEEEEEEED THIS!

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Friday, June 22, 2018

Pod Stallions 63: Convention Stories

The last PodStallions we did was so much fun, we rushed back to do another, look at us being proactive! This week’s show is all about conventions and toy shows.

We explore our humble first conventions (which were mind blowing to us then) and eventually get all the way to modern tales of San Diego comic con.

Along the way we talk about celebrity encounters, being a dealer, terrible conventions, John Colicos, Colin Baker, Jon Pertwee, spending all our money, getting drunk and renting adult videos? How did we even? Nevermind.

Please join us on the Pod Stallions Facebook page and let us know what you think!
  give us spirited debate on our facebook wall.

Plenty more content on the PodStallions Facebook page!


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Planet of the Apes trashcan by Cheinco

So, I needed a trash can for my office, a kind of mundane task I guess but because my whole room is decked out in vintage stuff, I decided the can itself had to be vintage.

It took me a while, mostly because the ones I kept finding were Hockey (I do live in Canada) or stuff like "Strawberry Shortcake" that really don't work for me.

I finally settled on Planet of the Apes because 1) I like Planet of the Apes and 2) I had this in my room as a kid after finding it at a yard sale. 

So, lo and behold, my new garbage can, enjoy humans...

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


I wonder if the day will come where i look at these and don't think "Fembot", I would think that would be a dark chapter in my life....

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

A whole mess of 1970s Belt Buckles

Does anyone else love the fact that Lee Majors and Farrah are on this page? I'm pretty sure I'd have gone for Kong as a kid.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Friday, June 15, 2018

1980 Toys R Us Flyer featuring Mego, Mork and the Kenner Alien

It's sadly looking like the end for Toys R Us in the United States, so let's go and focus on when it was a growing company that made for an amazing experience.

This Flyer from 1980 is so jam-packed with late 1970s pop culture that every page seems to have some Incredible Hulk or Wonder Woman merchandise tucked in there somewhere, it's a real trip!

Classic Toy Store Ads on PlaidStallions

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The First Star Trek Action Figure

Something that didn't get mentioned in the recent "The Toys That Made us" was the first Star Trek action figure wasn't of Kirk or Spock it was of Janice Rand?

This Japanese toy line is something I've seen in small black and white catalogs since I was a teenager but at the recent MegoMeet celebration I got to hold one and stupidly not buy this? What is up with me?

In 1966, A Japanese toy company decided to make a series of fashion dolls based on the ladies from various genre shows like Tara King from the Avengers, Agent 99 from Get Smart and Janice Rand from Star Trek.

None of this was licensed and let's face it, it ain't a stunning likeness but the little Star Fleet uniform (complete with accurate insignia) is adorable.

My thanks to Corey for letting me share this, it kind of haunts me I didn't grab this....

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Snoopy's Flying Doghouse

This is one of those times where marrying an established toy concept with a license made total and complete sense. Which cannot be said for 99% of "Incredible Hulk" toys.....

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Monday, June 11, 2018

Pants Monday

Forget meetings: Let's start the week with some pants that aren't afraid to say what's right!

Friday, June 08, 2018

More Star Trek Shirts by Donmoor

If you read this blog regularly, you know i have a fairly healthy obsession with the children's Star Trek line of clothing made in the 1970s by a company called "Donmoor".

This past weekend at MegoMeet, I ran into my friend and fellow Donmoor enthusiast Corey who had some new ones like the Kirk above that I have never seen.

More after the jump, including my latest pick ups!

Thursday, June 07, 2018

Just a Reminder

Father's Day is coming up, also I'm a 48 tall just in case my kids are reading this.

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Kenner Alien, He's a Cutie?

I've desperately trying to scan in a newly acquired Toys R Us Flyer from 1980 for Friday (fingers crossed). I've been so busy with it that I only just noticed the Kenner Alien in there!

Such an iconic and coveted toy just regulated to the corner, it brings you back to the reality that the big chap wasn't really a big hit when he made his toy shelf debut.

Anyway, consider this a Toys R Us tease.

More Kenner Alien:

Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Another Vintage Star Trek Towel

A continuation from my "Star Trek Towel Day" post a couple of years back, here is another from Corey's collection, a stunning illustration of Kirk and Spock here.

Apparently, there is more to be discovered as well, can't wait.

Monday, June 04, 2018

Electra Wow!

I'm still in recovery mode from Mego Meet but wanted to share this story of my first experience walking on the show floor. My friend Scott takes me aside and hands me this, a custom Dyna Girl. 

Last year Scott had done a limited amount of Electra Woman but only one Dyna Girl. He said he knew I was bummed I missed her, so he made me one.

More than the toy itself (which is amazing) I was touched by the kindness shown, the thoughtfulness. Toys are just stuff but I think in the end,  it is friends I ended up collecting, I love that.

It was a good omen to a very positive weekend but more on that later.

Here is the action figure set, I really would have wanted as a kid (but probably have been top chicken to buy), wish fulfilled, thank you, Scott.

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Friday, June 01, 2018

Pod Stallions 62: Action Figure Collecting

We're back with an all-new show, this one is a little different, more of a "Free-form jazz" sort of thing as we just go back and forth talking about action figure collecting, the madness we both share.

Discussion includes our favorite lines and styles of plastic people, our various collecting rituals and of course, our top three "must have" action figure lines.

On Topic Conversations include Mego, Hot Toys, Bif Bang Pow!, Kenner, Funko, Super 7, Hasbro, Star Wars POTF,  exclusives, customs, Mattel Flash Gordon, GI Joe, the Waltons and Wizard of Oz.

Sidetrack conversations abound in this one and we get into Richard Lynch, Maverick, Jellyfish, Target, Barney Miller, Planet of the Apes, Kenny Everet, toy guns, toy shows, Solo: A Star Wars story, meditation and weird things we did as kids.

Can you read our mind? Listen along and tell us!

Disagree?  give us spirited debate on our facebook wall.

Plenty more content on the PodStallions Facebook page!



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