I Met BigFoot
After a year of accumulating other people's encounters with Spider-Man and Darth Vader, it never dawned upon me that I had anything to add until I found this. This is probably around 1980 and at the Metro Zoo, who used to use 70s super celebrity Bigfoot quite extensively in their marketing (you can still see the painted footprints there) I have no idea who the picture wrecking kid in front is but I do remember wanting to leave the zoo early because it was "Planet of the Apes Week" on City TV. Yes, I was always this way.....
That was during the 80s at the Metro Zoo when they had a kids club called "Bigfoot club" which I guess tied into the blue foot trail at the zoo.
Sorry....it was the "Littlefoot club"
for a second i thought that was a cut scene from the Star Wars Holiday Special.
I totally thought it was Chewbacca and son, too.
That kid in front looks like the little kid from "A Christmas Story"
'I want a Red Rider BB Gun!'
'You'll shoot your eye out."
The kid in front is hilarious, looks like Randy, Ralph's little brother who won't eat from Christmas Story.
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