Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Fire Birds

NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH THE GERRY ANDERSON PROGRAM "THUNDER BIRDS" IN ANY WAY, this is totally different, cause we put "Fire" in there instead of Thunder. Okay? Glad we're clear.

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Jón Páll said...

Likewise, Firebird-4 shares no relation with Colonial Vipers.

YesterdayIsNow said...

Jon beat me to it.

Are these considered rack toys? FireBirds 4 and 5 look sort of cool, but the others are sad at best. Hard to imagine any kid getting excited about the Space Missile.

Anonymous said...

You'd be surprised, YIN.

In the Flash Gordon cartoon series/ and animated movie, Ming The Merciless had a "Mecho-Mole" drill tank that looked exactly like the "Space Missile". I would have been an extremely happy Anon if there had been a Firebirds toy display at my local Child World. The mini Colonial Viper would have been an instant hit, too.

Fairly certain a drill tank appears in The Superfriends show and, by now, I think we all know who likes Superfriends, yes?

YesterdayIsNow said...

I think that sort of drill vehicle has shown up in many shows/movies. GI Joe comes to mind, and I think also the Incredibles movie.

As for who is a Superfriends fan... Well, i'm certainly one of the faithful as well.


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