I recently came across this wonderful article about action figures circa 1977, it mentions Micronauts, Pulsar, Metal Man, Electroman, Stretch Monster, Shogun Warriors and their impact on the toy market place. It features interviews with not only toy buyers but toy makers from Hasbro, Mego, Zee Toys and Mattel.
Seeing as these are things that haunt my dreams 40 years later, I thought it might be of interest to all of you, read on after the jump!
The face of the kid playing with the Stretch Monster is priceless!
June issue, which means it probably came out in April and was written even earlier... a couple months later, Star Wars would put to bed any worries about science fiction and property tie-ins. What a neat look into the past.
Lucy Jones driveled in the piece above...
"We've never done well with any 'space' oriented items here, so I just won't buy anything with that look."
Any bets that she got her dumb ass FIRED, or at best got a "sideways promotion," after May 1977?
(who deduces she had a FANTASTIC career after that...in the foodservice industry)
I remember seeing a commercial fo Micronauts and thinking they were the same size as my Mego superheroes.I was shocked how small they actually were, but they were still totally cool.Translucent plastic with chrome parts,flying through clear tubes to cities with geometric skyscrapers,it's my vision of heaven.
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