I picked up this 1979 Whitman coloring book at one of my "Wishbook haunts" (a smelly room full of used books at a truck stop where the guy also guesses my height and weight) and paid a whole dollah for it.

As the title suggests, I want your vintage Halloween pictures for an upcoming feature this October. Send me your smock and masks people, I want all the Darth Vaders, Pink Panthers and (hopefully) Jaws costumes you can send me. For every submission, I'll gratefully fork over some plaidstallions trading cards and stickers. It's all part of the 2008 Halloween Countdown challenge that I've joined, a whole month of Halloween from a while bunch of different bloggers.
So send me your vintage costume pics!
Other related links
I'm real jazzed to have some additions to the Lincoln Monsters section of the site, mostly because I never thought I would get more stuff from this tough to collect 8" line. Above is the Frankensten box, that's right, Frankensten, it seems Lincoln took their proofing as seriously as I do.
The Mummy box also has the same sort of fun design but thankfully with no typo, it'd be hard to take a "Mommy" doll seriously. Speaking of the Mummy, I've also finally gotten off my butt and had the sticker printed.
I already gave some away at the forum but I'll be giving a bunch more away in the very near future, look for an announcement on the weekend.
These Lite Writers by Larami are a neat example of how Rack Toys work, when you have a license, just create a unique item you can stick a character on.
It's fun seeing Flash Gordon in the mix, Larami also added a Cylon a year later (this is 1979) but as I recall it was rather off model.
DVD Tuesday
My friend growing up had the hots for Shirley Jones, I still tease him about and am doing so right now. Gonna print this out Brian and put it in your scrapbook?
Thanks Sharry! Tune in Next Week for more Coloring Book Theatre.
Paul Rigsby sent in this picture of him at Spider-Man at the Gateway mall in Jacksonville Florida in 1979. Paul wanted to point out his red plaid outfit is not on purpose, he had no idea Spidey was going to be there, he was, as he puts it "A poster boy for bad 70s fashion". Check out more at the Superhero Mall Appearance Gallery.
Got a Vintage Mall Appearance Shot you want to share? Whether it's from the seventies to the mid eighties. We want to see it! Drop me an email! If I use them I'll send you some plaidstallions trading cards.
Seeing as the rest of the week's releases is mostly stuff I'm not into, I'll give a mini review. I managed to finally pick up a copy of the Legacy collection of the Mummy and really recommend it, some of the extras are the same on all the Legacy sets but the little piece on Jack Pierce was quite nice.
If you're a fan of the Universal Monsters, I would give it a giant undead thumbs up. I'm sure a Wolfman DVD is in the works what with the remake coming up, can't wait!
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