Friday, May 30, 2014

Jaws Game: Start to Finish

I found these images in a shareholders report and it gives a very rare look into the toy manufacturing world in 1977. Above is the Ideal assembly plant in Newark New Jersey, sure the plastic parts were made in Hong Kong but back then everything was assembled states side and the box was also printed locally.
Once completed, the cartons are loaded onto trucks just in time for Ray Liotta and Robert Deniro to hijack them.
Then it’s on to the store shelf (actually several steps including regional distributors is missing but what the heck) where you beg your Mom for one.

These parents are extremely generous but have an “Ideal Toys Only rule” very strange

Other related links

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Shogun Warriors Utility Belt


Ever since I first stumbled on this newspaper ad, I've been intrigued by this clever little set. I'd always wanted to track one down but sadly my "track that down" list is vast and I may have focus issues so it never happened. Fortunately for me, my good pal and podcast partner Jason has more focus and let's me live vicariously through his purchases:


While I originally thought this set was created by Remco (mostly because of the word "official" and the recycled Batman communicator), I was surprised to find it's by GLJ. GLJ is one of those companies that doesn't roll off the tongue but they made some amazing stuff like this.

I really love the extras here like the Axe and Sword, some care went into this, dammit I still want one!

More Shogun Warriors

Evel Knievel Gallery. Ideal Star Team Catalog

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Ideal's Electroman promotion

I recently came across this Ideal piece demonstrating how much TV advertising they were putting into their Electroman toy. This came as a surprise to me, as Electroman was one of those "What the heck is this?" discoveries at a flea market for me.

I certainly remember Evel Knievel and JJ Armes commercials but I simply don't think I ever ran into the revolutionary electronic toy sensation of 1977....

Better shot of the store display, it's actually quite nice. Click on it for a bigger look.

More Ideal and Electroman

Evel Knievel Gallery. Ideal Star Team Catalog

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

SWAT chute

My memories of SWAT are limited to the theme song and playing with plastic rifles, were there parachutes on the show or is this just yet another repurposed rack toy?

Check out our book "Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings" available at our online store right now!

Monday, May 26, 2014

The Diamond Brothers

WARNING: Prolonged exposure to their soulful glare may result in unwanted pregnancy. This applies to both women and men, the seed of the diamond brothers is strong.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Meet the Hot Wheels Guy

Kudos to Jeremy for sending in these cool shots of him meeting the Hot Wheels guy not once, but twice in one summer. The first encounter taking place at a Hill's department store (that's where the toys are) and the second at a mini mall. I had no idea Hot Wheels had a guy, Jeremy seems to think that Barbie was present at both events as well.

Makes me wonder if Big Jim ever made appearances?

Friday, May 23, 2014

Top Ten Fisher Price Adventure People Sets

The Fisher Price Adventure people were truly the game changers when it came to action figures in the 1970s. Their infectiously fun combination of vehicle and figure were an instant hit with kids when they hit shelves in 1975. Parents liked their non violent play structure and the fact that they appeared to be indestructible.

What's more important was the Adventure people didn't go unnoticed by other toy manufacturers and by the end of the Polyester decade we were literally awash in 3 3/4" goodness.

Here are the top ten Fisher Price Adventure People Sets:

10) Dare Devil Skydiver
This set was minimalist but it actually worked and unlike poop-a-troopers wouldn't completely crap out after an hour of play. I got mine stuck in many a tree but I still have him to this day. Good Times.

More Top Ten Fun
top ten marvel toys
top ten marvel toys
top ten monster toys of the 1970s

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Bionic Displays


I'm really digging these store display shots I found in a Kenner promo piece for the Bionic Man. I honestly remember the outfit display as a kid, which had no effect. I had a million Big Jim and GI joe outfits as a kid but had no desire to change Steve Austin's clothes.

Fashions for the Bionic Woman make so much sense, I imagine they sold very well.

More Bionic Love

1976 Kenner Six Million Dollar Man Catalog 1977 Kenner Six Million Dollar Man Catalog 1978 Kenner Six Million Dollar Man Catalog

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Star War

I've had this Mexican backer card for years, although I've never fully known what toys it was used to sell. My best theory is parachuting figurines that were copies of the Kenner figures but I'm not sure.

All i know is, I love the art on this thing though it looks largely swiped from Marvel's movie adaptation. It may be unlicensed bit I love it's crude charm more than anything on the shelves today. 

Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is a limited edition 144 page book from the creator of Plaid Stallions. Order from us and get three free promotional post cards.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Nice Knockers!

I don't have a shirt like this but I like to pretend my shirt buttons are door bells. I have a variety of rings, take that knocker shirt man!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Pod-Stallions Episode 17: Transmute!

Episode 17 is a benchmark for us, as it's our first guest and that guest is comics legend Alex Ross. Alex joins us to talk about a favourite subject of both Jason and Brian, the animated series Battle of the Planets.
We discuss our earliest memories of the show, it's origins, merchandise, further iterations, how it changed Brian's life (seriously) and Alex describes his experiences playing in the BOTP sand box when he got to produce 12 issues of the comic.

 Of course, it's never easy to stay completely on topic. and the conversation turns  to talk of Mego action figures, the fate of Gwen Stacy and the whereabouts of Casey Kasem?

Transmute and listen to Pod Stallions Episode 17 here!

Show Links:

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bell Bottom Sleeve


Greatest inventions of the 70s? Some would say the Apple computer, but not me people, not me.......

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


battle of the planets
We just wrapped our Battle of the Planets episode of PodStallions (which launches this Friday) and I was reminded of one of my favourite pieces of merchandise this little magnetic 1-Rover-1. This and a matching 7 Zark 7 (which i don't own) have l'il magnets in them to add to the play.

battle of the planets

The back of the box shows some fun shenanigans, the little guy loves his master's butt, my dog just gives me a dirty look when i do that. This is a toy lucky kids in France got (where his name is 1-Nonos-1), instead of the bupkiss we got here.

We'll be discussing stuff like this on this Friday's podcast, with special guest Alex Ross, it'll launch Friday.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mexican Parachuting Robin

I actually don't have  a carded AHI Parachuting Robin but I was fortunate to find the Mexican version produced by Uni-Plast. Due to import laws in the 1970s, a lot of fun American toys were produced under licence in Mexico resulting fun variations like this.  To be honest, I kind of like this more.

Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is a limited edition 144 page book from the creator of Plaid Stallions. Order from us and get three free promotional post cards.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Blue Monday


"These primitive creatures are no match to our superior funknology, prepare the groove armada at once!"

Friday, May 09, 2014

Name this Guy Contest Results

I am pleased to announce the winners of the 8th Anniversary "Name this Guy" contest.

More after the jump!

Thursday, May 08, 2014

Super Skates

As weird as these are, I've got to admit I kind of love their design.

If I had got these as a kid, the only in my size would be Wonder Woman and I would have bought them....

Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is a limited edition 144 page book from the creator of Plaid Stallions. Order from us and get three free promotional post cards.


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