Da-Dun! Da-Dun! Nora Flynn from Imperial Toys cuddles their new inflatable version of the Shark from "Jaws" Imperial made a lot of wonderful rack merchandising and is still in business today.
The Future is Fantastic! A representative from Saalfields shows off their latest offering, based on the new sicence fiction series "Space:1999" to the buyer from Bradlees. I need to review that for colouring book theatre....
Mort Liebman displays his Star Trek record, one of the hottest items in the toy field. This is the power records booth and I am drooling! Check out those Planet of the Apes and G.I. Joe store displays, amazing.
Sweet pics, and when I clicked the Sky Hawk link all of sudden I missed my Sea Wolf...
Oh man, that Power Records photo...
I'm Scott Kipperman.
Jack Kipperman was my grandfather. What a treasure this picture and caption are for me.Thanks for posting this!
Any more pictures or information you have on Jack Kipperman would be thoroughly enjoyed by me and my family. Please contact me at Scott_Kipperman@yahoo.com with anything you find.
Thanks Again!
The slick dresser in the middle of the top photo, Jack Kipperman, was my dad and he brought the 'T" to the word 'Toy' in the toy industry. He was the #1 Salesman in the industry and known as the most honest, dedicated, fair and well dressed man in the business. He became the most accurate forecaster, respected by everyone in the industry. They looked to him to forecast the top sellers for the upcoming year and after each National Toy Fair held in New York every year, if his forecast included your toy, he made your success guaranteed for the coming year. Since he made "The TOP 50 BUSINESSMEN" in the industry publication on more than one occasion he earned the respect of all the industry leaders and was well known by each.
Hat's off to an era gone by and the men who set the bar high for those that followed. I am proud to be able to say that Jack Kipperman was one of those leaders.
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