I was scanning the catalog from a UK company called Berwick when I came upon this neat-o Tom Baker Doctor Who play costume and I thought it deserved blog attention.
Like a lot of 70's Canadian kids, I was watching Doctor Who on TVO from the time I could talk. The first con I attended was a Who one at the tender age of 15, so I have a real soft spot for vintage Who merchandise.
I have to give Berwick props for not putting the Doctor's face and the Tardis largely on the smock as Ben Cooper would have likely done.
Ah, the convention. I only ever made it to the one, but it gave me stories for a lifetime. Anytime i get into a nerd contest with someone, they say, "oh yeah - well i went to a Trek convention" and that's when i drop the big bomb on 'em...
Tom Baker, arguably the best Doctor.
Funny, it's really not hard to make your own T.B. Dr. costume.
What a great Psycho Killer mask!
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