Remco was a division of Azrak Hamway and while AHI made more of the dimestore "Impulse' items, the Remco brand was used to promote toys of a higher quality. In 1976, the company attempted to infiltrate the action figure category (the McDonalds characters), Games (Magic Hat) along with their usual children's role play items such as Star Trek and Space:1999 utilty belts.
Check out the 1976 Remco Catalog for more goodness.

And be sure to check out the Earthquake Tower Playset, this is a somewhat morbid toy no doubt inspired by the Irwin Allen movies of the era....
i doubt they'd let this toy get released nowadays. I don't see why not though.
Wow, I never realized how much Remco stuff I used to have.. I had McDonaldLand figures, Earthquake Tower (still have the record somewhere), both the ST and S:1999 guns, the ST utility belt, and the Magic Hat.
I love the Trek-inspired "Verti-Bird" and that Jeannie house shaped like a bottle is even pretty cool. Remco rocked!!
I remember the Earthquake Tower as a kid, and I remember wanting one.
Yeah, this one's probably best left retired.
wow, maybe someone will release a "Katrina New Orleans Flood" playset sometime...
I remember having a Remco Lost in Space robot around 1970. My gosh that thing must be worth a fortune now!
I cannot believe this exists. When I was seven I saw a commercial for this and immediately wanted one. My mother searched everywhere but couldn't find it. In later years we were convinced I dreamed it and that made sense: who would make a toy building that shook while people fell off of it? And then on a lark I type it into a search engine and find it. Thank you for posting it. I still cannot believe it!
I had this playset, and would spend HOURS playing with it as WELL as playing the Record that came with it...those were the days!
-Ethan Tudor W.
Actor/Host of "The Neverhood Show"..www.blogtalkradio.com/ethantudorw
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