In the age of reproductions I really wish some kind soul would bring back the Rapco Monster bust sets. I'd love to have these bad boys on my extremely cluttered shelves...

From a previous Halloween the 1975 Rapco Catalog

From a previous Halloween the 1975 Rapco Catalog
I had a similar plaster monster bust making kit. it had 3 two-piece molds. you poured liquid plaster in one, snapped the other side on, and secured into this monster making hand cramking device that would spin it around so the plaster would set up to both side. let it dry, spearate, then paint. the bust would always turn disastrous - either delicately hollow or completely deformed. wish I could remember the name of it...
it was MONSTER MACHINE vintage hand crank creepy creations with instant muck and 5 molds...
Forgot to say that the machine is by GABRIEL called MONSTER MAKER (Roto MACHINE) with instant muck...
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