From the "You think you've seen it all department" comes these American History (Possibly Bicentenial influenced) figures from Mattel. Obviously these figures are a tidy reuse of the Sunshine Family molds but in historical garb.

I got curious and after a little ebay searching did find a boxed "Southern Belle" on ebay, which I didn't purchase but at least it does confirmed these made it to market. Just what I needed, more knowledge I can't really use practically or to make money with....
More Sunshine Family:
Sunshine Family dolls are creepy as hell, and these are like their bizarre, demonic family tree. Those eyes! THOSE EYES!!
I think their Disney versions of history (Pocahontas, Tiana) and a little known pink box line from the '90s with Barbie as a Pilgrim and Colonial woman were far more better...
But hey, it was the Bicentennial, they'd do anything.
Useless trivia knowledge? I know your pain.....
They're dead, I tells you! DEEEEEAAAAD!
Yeah, these are just a little creepy. About 6 outta 10 on the creep-o-meter.
I had (and still have) 2 of these - the Pioneer Daughter and Southern Belle.
I would MUCH rather give these dolls to my child over those trampy Bratz dolls!
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