Getting back to the ad, the question is asked regarding Zogg, "Will Electroman's Powers of Light and Sound Be enough?"

Getting back to the ad, the question is asked regarding Zogg, "Will Electroman's Powers of Light and Sound Be enough?"
The 3 runners up who get a set of PS trading cards (that's 1 through 8 plus a slmie sticker) are:
Jason sent in these awesome additions to the Superhero Mall Appearance Gallery. This was at the B Dalton's in the Maplewood Mall, in St. Paul, MN, November of 1977. This is pretty early for a Star Wars appearance.
Jason proudly displays his signed Star Wars calendar and mentions he bragged to his friends that he shook Vader's hand and how strong his grip was.
You may recognize Jason's company Bif Bang Pow! nowadays, they make some of the coolest collector toys out there, including one license I've been waiting 27 years for, Flash Gordon. If you're at San Diego Comic Con this weekend, you might want to check out this incredible Exclusive Flash Gordon Figure.
Brian WANT!
Anyway, got a mall appearance shot you'd like to share? Send it in and I'll send you a set of Plaidstallions trading cards.
Card #6 should come as no shock to anyone, seeing as how much space I have devoted to Evel Knievel on the site. It almost felt like obligation to make it, so I did it early rather than later. It is arguably the most famous 70's toy I've done thus far.
Going across the ocean today and back 31 years to look at the marvelous talking toys produced by Palitoy Bradgate. While we're all spoiled by voice chips now, a talking toy was a complicated thing back in the day, involving a tiny record. Palitoy made a variety of these items including the Daleks, Batmobile, heck even Kojak!
These things have special meaning to me as the red Palitoy Talking Dalek was the first vintage toy I ever bought via mail order, right from the classifieds in Starlog magazine back in 1984. I sold it in college lamentably.....
Check out the 1977 Palitoy Talking Toys Catalog Here
And speaking of Palitoy, let's have a contest.
First and Foremost, I have to rave about
Spaced, a late nineties UK series about a group twenty somethings. You'll recognize much of the cast from Shaun of the Dead and with good reason, this series inspired the movie.Also out is Robert Smigel's parody series TV Funhouse which was a painfully funny satire of low rent kids shows and Sesame Street. Heed my words though, it ain't for kids.
Robot Chicken Star Wars is from the hit Cartoon Network series and uses Mego dolls to parody the classic series , does anyone else see the irony in that?
Ok, I would so totally use a set of these on my bed today. This picture also features one of my favourite things, the use of toys in the child's bedroom set. For some reason, I really like that extra detail, I probably need to get out more. That's the Dinky Toys Enterprise by the way, one of the cooler 70's Star Trek Toys IMO.
Nothing says "1976" more than the Six Million Dollar Man and Evel Knievel, the matching curtains are just too cool. That's an Ideal Evel crash car on the nightstand BTW. I slept in a hammy down bed which you couldn't get kids sheets for, so I had to settle for pillow cases, if you had these, I envy you.
I can't imagine there are too many of these left. Needless to say we stopped, I half expected to find 70's toys in there but no such luck, we did pick up a few classic rack toy items still around.
There is no better an afternoon than watching Cowboys and Indians fight mutant bugs. There were many losses on both sides, next month it's Army
men Vs Dinosaurs....
I managed to squeak out a few new Plaidstallions Trading cards this month and while they are not in my hands yet (soon!) I thought I'd share the first one now.
The AHI Monsters were an easy choice for card #5, I've grown rather smitten with them since I started covering rack toys for the site (one of the drawbacks of cataloging things is you want to own them). This image from the 1973 Alden's catalog was graciously scanned for me by Benjamin Holcomb, author of the Mego book "World's Greatest Toys".
You might notice that the cards have changed templates, after some contemplation, I decided to abandon the original "Star Warsy" look and go with something more like the site itself. My good pal Steve Leach helped me out and created this awesome new look.
I've got more card reveals coming this month and then some (easy) contests to give them away so stay tuned...
I was surprised when doing my Metal Men feature last week to discover that Zee Toys also made a line of M*A*S*H items. M*A*S*H was one of my favorite shows growing up but I never had much desire to play it, probably because it was much of a drama/comedy than it was really about war. Still, the approach Zee took was a good one, centering around the base itself and not the characters, a neat concept.
It's Tuesday and here's what cool on DVD today:
The results are in from our first DVD contest, my kids picked the winners this morning, because I had to be fair, there are now four prize lots. First the answers:
1) Who was the better Riddler, Frank Gorshin or John Astin? There was no wrong answer in this although I was curious if anybody preferred Astin in the role. Hey, I cried when they stopped making new coke, so it's not impossible. For the record, nobody picked Astin, who is a wonderful actor, just not the Riddler.
2) What does Batman have toruble getting rid of in the film? Well it's a bomb but I also would have accepted a shark, seeing as it's technically true.
And now Ze Winners:
1st Prize: (Batman Blue Ray and set of PS cards) Phillip Lozano
2nd Prize: (the Same as 1st) Bill McFarland
3rd Prize: (a Copy of 70's Toy Explosion and some PS cards) Chris Flagg
4th Prize: (a copy of 70's Toy Explosion and PS cards) Dave Bellmont
Congrats to all the winners, I'll be in touch this evening to gather your address info. Hopefully I'll have more fun giveaways soon
Be sure to check out this fun little Batman Boxing Game based on the Movie as well.
I'd say tune in next week but I don't have that issue, check out the Look in links below for that.
For more on Bionic Woman, check out the 1976 Bionic Toys Selection and then you can move on to the 1977 catalog.
For more on Look In, check out these two fantastic and exhaustive sites The Look In Picture Strip Archive and John's Look Out both give you a glimpse of some very cool British 70's pop culture.
An old school Saucer too, man finding this is gold!
Check out the 1978 Zee Toys Metal Man Catalog.
It's Tuesday and here's what cool on DVD today:
You can get the first season of Cannon on DVD today, starring William Conrad as the crimebuster with a glanduar problem. God, I loved spotting the obvious stunt man in some of these shows.
This isn't from the 1970's but seeing as I'm a monster fan I thought I'd mention the rerelease of the classic Karloff Mummy DVD in the legacy collection. I still remember watching this as a kid and being totally captivated.
Last week saw the release of the 1966 Batman Movie on Blue Ray. This was an event when it turned up on the WKBW Sunday movie back in the 70's. I should be running a contest for a copy fairly soon...
Women just can't control themselves around singing duos, it's a fact. Fake turtlenecks really put these boys over the county line of score town...
I can't believe I haven't mentioned the amazing work of Wishbook Web yet. If you like department store catalogs, then you need to check this place out. These maniacs scan each and every page of these books in order to share with you. Just looking at this site makes me feel like a lazy, lazy man. Which is true but I'm in denial...
Click here to visit the new Lincoln Monsters Page or click on a "Monster Sticker" below to see the individual character pages. I've included Star Trek Knockoff figure "Mr. Rock" just because he didn't fit anywhere else....
For more Monster Toys, Check out these fabulous links: