It's hard to believe that it's been two years since I started this blog, primarily to fill the time one afternoon while my baby daughter napped. It's a strange feeling, it seems like yesterday although I can't remember a time when this didn't exist. I had no idea what I was doing when I made my first fashion mockery post (which got a whopping two hits,probably both me) and I had maybe 12-15 department store catalogs in my collection. Since then, it's grown into something a little bit larger:
Now it's balooned into the monstrosity you see before you, an burgeoning mass of catalogs, toy store fliers, colouring books, newspapers, Archie digests (I like them, ok!) and more magazines than a man should own.
If I stopped buying catalogs today, I could probably coast on the lot I have for about 12 months but I can't seem to bring myself to stop buying.
Speaking of which, I made a purchase recently of a catalog I already own, the reason was that I had ripped out one of the pages when I bought it back in 1989. It had to go in my locker you see, it was just too cool, I called the gentlemen in the picture "The Plaid Stallions"

Yes indeed, these are the original Stallions, ripped from the pages of a 1974 Eaton's Catalog, God Bless 'em! Also, to commemorate this occasion (this is not at all a coincidence) I've done some new things:
First, I've completely revised the Plaidstallions website , I was never really happy with the original design so I cleaned it up and toyed with the format. One thing you will notice is all the videos are gone, I moved them into their own gallery.
I'm also geeked to announce these:

Yep, I ripped off the Megomuseum (they'll forgive me) and am putting out a couple of Plaidstallions trading cards. The first two are due soon, I have no idea what to do with them, probably give them out through this blog. I have plans for one or two more, maybe a sticker, we'll see.
So that's it, I'd like to thank everybody for making the last two years an absolute joy, props to the folks who sent in mall appearance photos, the supportive gang at the museum forums, my webmaster Joe DeRouen, Steve Leach, Rob Chatlin, Scott Adams, Rob Kelly, Ben Holcomb, Amanda Currey, Keene Silfer, Daniel from Action Figure Insider, , Robert Berry from Retrocrush, Sharry, the wonderful myspace gang, Detour magazine, WGN Chicago, Rob at topless robot and my ever supportive wife, Michy.
And giant thanks to all the folks who regularly visit this blog making way more clever comments than I can ever think of, you people make me laugh everyday and make me want to turn on my computer.
As a bonus, a piece I wrote for Topless Robot is up today. It's an extenson of a blog I wrote here called the 9 ugliest female action figures ever. Enjoy!