Wonder Woman faces the Menace of the Mole Men!
This book is from 1975 and is available in two sizes, in previous CBT segments I've reviewed the Batman and Shazam books in this series.
The first thing I want to point out is how much I love how angry Wonder Woman is on the cover, the male heroes are all smiling but not Diana!
So grab your crayons and check out this adventure after the jump!
This series is always really well-drawn and the thing that makes them unique is they are essentially comic books, complete with a detailed plot, word balloons and pages with panels. Essentially, it's the closest a kid could get to being a colourist.
I'm not really big on Wonder Woman history but she works for the United Nations under a guy named Morgan. People, namely women, start getting pulled down in earthquakes prompted Diana to turn into Wonder Woman.

She immediately goes to Paradise Island to recruit a scientist named Paula, we know she's a scientist because she's the only Amazon with glasses.
Her and Paula get captured almost immediately and meet Calla, head slave of the Mole people. The men are blind so they need the women to be their slaves and dig in their plot to take over the UN.
Wonder Woman spends a lot of time in chains, I guess that removes her powers. She even starts calling the Mole Men "Master" at some point. Although she does escape more than once.

While Paula and Calla organize a revolution, Wonder Woman is forced to dance for the Mole king. Eventually breaking free and kicking his ass.
Paula then operates on the Mole Men and gives them sight, all of a sudden, they're no longer evil. The Mole King hits on Calla,
Gonna chalk this one up to Stockholm syndrome here.
Diana goes back to her boss, who essentially did nothing. Wonder Woman comics are sometimes really weird.

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What does "Low bridge blakfu!" mean? Some kind of mole man language?
This is one of the few coloring books I own. I picked it up for a dollar and I don't think I've ever opened it.
This is actually a reworking of a story by WW creators William Marston and Harry Peter from 1943:
But if you have any familiarity with those original WW stories, you didn't need me to tell you that.
So is Paula is a scientist or a surgeon? I mean I assumed she was a geologist since they were going underground but I guess not?
And now that the Molemen have their vision back they don't need to kidnap surface women so they can see to take over the UN either huh?
I wouldn't expect a children's coloring book to be the first time for the Scapria tactic to actually work, but then again, she was the one setting the ultimatum.
I had this coloring book back in 1975, and when I bought it again a few years ago, it brought back some nice memories.
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