Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Doll Squad 2001

Monday, June 29, 2009
The Wonderful World of Blythe
It's amazing how this very Mod little doll was virtually unknown until 25 years after she was cancelled when it became a pop culture phenom thanks to the photography of Gina Garan. This is the Kenner catalog from 1972 and Blythe only gets a single page (click on it for a larger view) now she's a full blown icon.
Google the Blythe story one of these days, it's a good read.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
DVD Review: Monster Squad the Complete Series

Believe it or not, DVD reviews were originally a part of this site, I just stopped doing them mostly because of laziness (here is one I did almost three years ago) but I just needed to bring it back for the release of the Monster Squad TV series.
Monster Squad was one of those shows I was convinced I'd never see again, it had a huge impact on me as a wee one, I'd take my Lincoln Monster dolls and shove them in the G.I. Joe Capture Copter and pretend they were on patrol. I think my love of monsters stems from this and Hilarious House of Frightenstein. Then it got cancelled and well, I spent the majority of the eighties and nineties looking for tapes and discovering that people had largely forgotten the show.
So when this DVD got announced, it gave me joy and a kind of sick feeling, like a lot of things you like as a kid, what if it turns out to be total crap when you're an adult?
I'm happy to say after watching all 312 minutes, that I was pleasantly surprised at how good this show was. I'm not saying it's for all tastes but if you're a 70s kid who likes the Krofft shows, this is actually a cut above from say things like, Electra Woman and Dyna Girl.

The show has some witty writing and pokes a lot of fun at itself, especially the scenes with the monsters trying to "act casual" (it always fails), there are other moments that are downright surreal and look like "Mr Show" sketches. The entire series in done on film, so the cheap sets look almost on purpose. Some of the fight scenes suffer from early 70s non violence rules, especially the scene where the Skull (Geoffry Lewis) tries to kill Bruce with a silver bullet, no gun, he just throws the bullet at him!
The bottom line is, everybody looks like they're having a lot of fun and it's kind of infectious. Let's talk about the DVD Fabulous Films has put out:
Film Quality: After years of watching 15th generation VHS, it's a joy to see the Squad so clean again, the film transfers are better than I expected.
Extras: I wasn't expecting anything and that was a good thing, I got a stills gallery and graphics on the menu that were scanned from the board game!
Value: I can't tell you how many bootlegs I've spent $20 on, this is a bargain. Amazon has this for $21.
Bottom Line: Not into Saturday Morning Cheese? Stay away in droves. However, if you're a Monster Kid or you dug the old Shazam! series then this is a lot of fun to be had. my kids really dug it as well.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Planet of the Apes by Well Made Toys Inc

More Apes:
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Goodbye to an icon
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Planet of the Apes Colorforms

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Apes by the Truck Load
When I started toy collecting in the early eighties, you could find discounted Apes merchandise in almost every convience store in Toronto, it was a good time to be alive.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Playsets of the Apes

I actually had this set at one point, I love how the soldiers are referred to as "earth men", I guess the folks at Multiple didn't stick around to see the Statue of Liberty...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Planet of the Apes Week

Saturday, June 20, 2009
The Justice League at Sea World

Erick from Wonderful Wonderblog made my week with this fabulous shot of the Superheroes at Sea World, seeing the heroes like that must have been just trippy.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Godzilla Day!
First off is this commercial for the Mattel Godzilla Game a product I honestly don't remember but it was part of Mattel's late seventies love affair with the character and the graphics are just sweet.
Secondly and this really is the classic, the Mattel Shogun Warriors Godzilla, while I think every 70s toy collector should be court ordered to buy one, I'd also love to get a hold of the Japanese version which looks more like the big guy.
Get him Stretchy Supes!
I'm still hopelessly devoted to finding the HG Toys "Godzilla vs Tricephalon" play set for myself someday. Anybody got one for sale, I guess it would help if I checked Ebay for one.
Lastly, another classic, the Ben Cooper Godzilla Halloween costume, another thing that made you jealous when you saw kids wearing it on October 31st..
Have a great weekend people, I'm off to stomp a city!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Inaction Heroes

Now I've got some of the Universal Monsters on my desk as I type this, odd how that works..
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Potpourri of Coolness

While many of us remember Mall Appearances through our child sized eyes, Stephen remembers them through his Spidey Mask. Heroes in my Closet is a fun blog recollecting the experiences of a man who played Spiderman for almost a decade.
And rounding out the Monster theme started is this rare commercial for the Maxx Fx line (from Max's creator Mel Birnkrant) even though it's an 80s toy, I've always been disappointed that Matchbox foolishly chose to launch the line with Freddy Kruger, thus dooming it. Try to ignore the 80s white guy rap and just take a look at the toys, we wuz robbed! For more Maxx check out our gallery:
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The Joker at Sea World Part 2
Friday, June 12, 2009
1974 Kenner Easy Bake Oven Catalog

Playing homemaker is still around but the 1970s were probably the last gasp of it being the norm. The 1980s saw a rise in little girls playing career woman, so things like the Easy Bake Oven became less prevelant. However, we're looking at 1974 and it was all the rage to emulate "Betty Crocker" and whip up a sugary treat in the playroom.

Not even children were immune to Fondue-Mania
Click on the images below for more Girl's Toys: