On the eve of what would have been his 101st birthday, Jason and Brian celebrate the legendary career of comics legend, Jack "King" Kirby.
Kirby left a gigantic mark on pop culture and we're both better human beings for exposure to his incredible storytelling.
Kirby left a gigantic mark on pop culture and we're both better human beings for exposure to his incredible storytelling.
We discuss our gateway entry into Kirby, what made us fans, his unique and beautiful comic style, his influences on the genre and some of his weirder creations.
Along the way we talk discuss Dragnet, Flash Gordon, LSD trips in movie theatres, treasury editions, learning to read, Jimmy Olsen buying prophylactics, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, action figures, Planet of the Apes, Destroyer Duck, Thundarr, Goldie Gold and Action Jack, Kenner Super Powers and terrible 70s comic book jive talk.
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