I wanted to take this moment to say something important to me.
Just a over two years ago, I received my shipment of Rack Toys, a very proud and scary moment as the printer saddled me with many, many extra copies and I really worried I'd never see the end of them.

So, the sight of 2 pallets of books was joyful aaaand i also had this feeling of dread, mostly because I don't have that many friends or family members.
What happened over the course of the last two years I really couldn't have predicted.
People started buying it and not returning it! Celebrities phoned me, people I'm a fan of, just to tell me they liked it.
Most importantly though, a lot of people reached out to me every week to talk about how it made them happy.
It almost makes me sad to show this next picture:

That's all that's left, without those overs, I'd be out of Rack Toys a long time ago and my fun journey would have ended a lot sooner.
This seems like a good as time as any to say Thank You from the bottom of my heart. The book was a mad dream of mine and it's so incredibly redeeming to know that so many shared the love.
I will be sad to slide that last copy into the mailbox in the coming weeks. When it's gone, I promise to release Rack Toys in a digital form down the line.
There will an announcement on future publications this Summer, I think you may enjoy the subject matter.
Thank you for reading,