Earlier in the year I was asked to participate in a new publication coming out from Abrams books, something called "Star Trek 365". While I was happy to do to join in, I did kind of wonder "another Star Trek book"?
I am a huge fan of the original series and the folks at Abrams were so darn nice that I was honoured to be involved. Recently, I received an early review copy and while I'm not known for reviews (well, colouring books don't count) I thought this book deserved a better look.
I am a huge fan of the original series and the folks at Abrams were so darn nice that I was honoured to be involved. Recently, I received an early review copy and while I'm not known for reviews (well, colouring books don't count) I thought this book deserved a better look.
First Impressions: When I opened the package my initial reaction was "this is huge" and it really is, were this one of my college text books I'd be intimidated by it. It is one heavy volume of the 23rd century people.
Layout: The book is a self described "visual celebration of Star Trek the original series" and the design team at Abrams really deserve kudos here, it is an explosion of colour (as was the original series itself) and the pages are filled with classic stills, behind the scenes photos, rare advertising even (ahem) not too shabby shots of some of the merchandise.
Content: Author Paula M Block has filled this book with anecdotes, trivia and of course episode synopses, it's easy reading style makes it hard to put down. Hardcore trek fans probably know a lot of this stuff by heart but i learned a few things in gleaming the pages and I'm sure I'm not alone in that.

Value: Amazon currently has Star Trek: 365 available for $19.99 although it's standard retail price is $29.99. At that price, it's an incredible value for such a nice product. Whether you are a casual fan or know the combination to Captain Kirk's safe, I heartily endorse this beautiful and fun volume to you or someone you know.
I hope it's a success so I can look forward to more pop culture subjects in this wonderful style from Abrams. Dare I dream of "Planet of the Apes 365"? Yeah, I want a whole shelf of these books....
Look for Star Trek:365 in stores on September 1st.
You've misspelt "synopses".
That said, I'm glad your work is going to be exposed to a wider audience. Plaid Stallions uplifts my day.
Yeah, I also didn't get anecdotes right either, forgot to run spell check before I posted, blerg.
Thanks I really appreciate hearing it! Hopefully I have another announcement regarding books and PS in the coming weeks.
Thanks for the nice words--and your contribution to the book! Couldn't have done it without you and all the other great Trek collectors in fandom!
"synopses" = plural of "synopsis"?
I have it saved on my wish list. It will be mine! Thanks!
I've really been looking forward to this book since i first saw it in my "recommended" section on Amazon, i've had it on my wish list ever since. This looks fantastic, I can't wait, I'm a huge fan of P-Stallions and I'm happy to know that you were one of the people involved putting this together, count me excited! The original series is still the best series!!!!!!
Dusty Abell
I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of this, and a Planet of the Apes version should definitely be added to the pipeline! Then can we get a Six Million Dollar Man one, and maybe a Godzilla, ooh and a...
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