OK, so the moustached gentleman has appeared a few times now and he's definately becoming a favourite, I was trying to attach a name to him but nothing seems to stick. I was toying with "Lancelot La Beef" or "Marcel Dangereaux" but I can't decide, so let's open the floor. The winner will get some PS trading cards and Brick Mantooth Salad Dressing*.
(* I may have just dreamt this)
Man, he looks like he's always about to sock someone in the jaw.
Nigel Van Lundt?
Moustache: Jean-Pierre Folderol
Non-moustache: William "Sunset Dave" McSweeny
Hogarth de la Poubelle.
For mustache:Sheldon "Big Snake" Rosenberg
For no mustache: Mickey McGrimace
Argyle Thrustington III
Kurt von McSuave
Guy Karate
Short & Sweet abd possible porn alias: Kent Jarvey
Snake Foulbreath
Mario L'Supre
(I like William "Sunset Dave" McSweeny for the non-mustachioed man the best.)
Rothchild Scrottledong comes to mind.
"Beef" Bourguignonne
His name is Ocean Breeze and the ladies love the motion of the Ocean. Sorry, I just cheesed myself out.
Willie Service.
Polard Chunts
"Guy Karate" smells like win!
Styles McLaughlin
he looks like a Basil to me
I think the guy without the moustache is actually the actor Robert Fuller from "Emergency!"
Slab Manley or Bolt Upright come to mind...
Weld VanDjyke
Barney Two-mile
Jerry Colonna ?
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