Monday, June 30, 2008

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Colouring Book Theatre: The Six Million Dollar Man
While technically sound, the art (which is mostly copied from stills) has a lifeless and static feel to it. Giving the book a kind of malaise....

It opens with Steve's famous crash, I don't know if this is an accurate depiction of how Steve's ship looked, it's been a long time since I've seen the pilot movie.

Despite plummetting to his death, Steve Austin is cool as a cucumber. Actually he looks kind of pleased.

Rudy checks in on Steve, who is enjoying a drink from his chamber pot. Jeez, you'd think they'd draw Steve fighting robots or something....

Yawn, I can lift a lot.....

"How much can I save on my long distance?" A thrilling look into the day to day life of Oscar Goldman, frankly, I'd settle for a colouring book featuring Oscar Madison right now....

Finally some action, Steve is captured by Gavin McCloud!

I'm sure nothing else happens.
Some Links of Interest:

Saturday, June 28, 2008
Back in Day Goodness

Here, Wes gets a Stretch Armstrong for his birthday in 1976.
Friday, June 27, 2008
1975 Marx Johnny West Catalog

The line was bulging with characters this year and the figures now had "Quick Draw Action" which was pretty neat. Someone still needs to explain how they got a jeep back in the old west?
Links of Interest:
Thursday, June 26, 2008
A Room Divided
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Sunday Best
Another piece I wrote for Topless Robot is up today, it's called the Top Ten Greatest Playsets of all Time. Three guesses as to what it's about.
While I try to be objective, it's one of those articles that'll never make everyone happy, maybe that's the point.
Anyway, is it weird that I spent the money they paid me to write this on a playset? Shouldn't I be buying more adult things like slacks and pencils?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Wall Crawling Goodies

With the recent addition of Star Trek and Planet of the Apes and Batman galleries to the Azrak Hamway section of the site, it was important to get this guy involved. Next to Batman, Spider-Man was AHI's most popular characters and he recieved an incredible amount of merchandise.
Which is weird considering that Peter Parker is just a working class schlub who hasn't got the money, let alone has the skills to pilot the many hotrods, copters and rockets AHI encumbered him with. That doesn't make me want this stuff any less....

This is just a sample for much more check out the new AHI Spider-Man Toy Gallery.
Monday, June 23, 2008
More Reasons to Like Toddlers

Sad News Department: I was bummed to hear of the death of George Carlin this past weekend. As a kid I found an old lp of "Take Offs and Put Ons" and played it to death. So much so, that when it aired on CBC one afternoon, I could talk along with it.
Carlin was my "gateway" comic that made a huge fan of stand up. Soon after this discovery, I was trading lps of Cosby,Kline, more Carlin and even a few Pryor tapes.
I sometimes got in trouble by my folks because of him and I didn't always like what he had to say but that was the beauty of comedy. Rest In Peace George and thanks for the laughs.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
TV Comix: Man From Atlantis
I've decided to open with one of the shorter lived but memorable series from that era, the Man from Atlantis. Not the US Marvel version of the comic (although I will get to that later) but the comics done in the UK under the "Look In" banner.

Look In had a talented stable of artists and this Man from Atlantis strip looks superior to the Marvel book produced at the same time. I've got a lot more to share from this book.
For more on Man From Atlantis check out the
Toy gallery on the main site.
For more on Look In, check out these two fantastic and exhaustive sites The Look In Picture Strip Archive and John's Look Out both give you a glimpse of some very cool British 70's pop culture.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Captain America at the Eastgate Mall

Wes Booth sent in these awesome additions to the Superhero Mall Appearance Gallery. This was at the Eastgate Mall, Indianapolis around 1979. Wes makes a great observation that he didn't normally roll around in a jacket and turtleneck and slacks, his mother made him dress up to meet America's greatest hero.

Here's the shot that makes me crazy jealous, Wes holding Cap's shield. It doesn't get cooler than this! Expect more shots from Wes all this month, he's a real treasure trove.
Got a Mall Appearance Shot you want to share? Whether it's from the seventies to the mid eighties. We want to see it! Drop me an email!
If you want more people in costumes check out the Marvel Superheroes : Live and In Person brochure on our site. It's chock full of early eighties characters such as Rom: Space Knight, G.I. Joe, heck even Crystar is in here!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Diecast Heroes

Corgi was a legend in the diecast car industry, certainly because of the quality and it's licensed goods. Corgi was best known to children of the Seventies as the maker of "that batmobile" we all owned. By 1978, Corgi was grabbing every TV movie license it could and producing some of the finest diescast toy cars in the meantime. Here is a sampling of that goodness in 1978. .
Thursday, June 19, 2008
It's Go Time!

An unusual phenomena in the boys wear section of 70’s catalogs is the “fight picture” where they have two boys posed as if they’re about to throw down. The example above is a good one, I used to feel such things were happenstance, just two models who didn’t get along but now, I’m beginning to think it’s deliberate.

Check out Davey and Goliath here, is the sight of your son standing up to actor Jimmy Baio supposed to inspire ugly jacket purchases? Dammit, I need to know!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Choice is Yours!

Here you have it gents, 1979 presented you with either the one piece jumpsuit made from lightweight "Poplin" (wasn't that a girls toy line from the eighties?) or the classic double knit polyester leisure suit and fellas, you can get it in lime green or sky blue! I don't think I could make that important decision, I'd just curl up into a ball on the floor of my shag carpeted, walk in closet and rock back and forth....

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Holy Licensing Royalties Batman!

With the recent addition of Star Trek and Planet of the Apes galleries to the Azrak Hamway section of the site, you had to know this would be coming. If there is one character that AHI did the most with, it would be the caped crusader, thanks to my pal Bill Frost I've got some pretty amazing examples.

The Batmobile was one of the most marketable items in Batman's rouster, thanks mainly to the George Barris design from the 1966 television series.

This is just a sample for much more check out the new AHI Batman Toy Gallery.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Super Sale

But wait! There's more including some smoking specials on Mego Micronauts which sadly were being discontinued that year. A Hydrocopter for $6? My grandmother paid full price!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Hulk meets Ron

Ron sent in this amazing Hulk appearance picture yesterday and I'm absolutely floored. This is the same Hulk that appears in the Marvel Superheroes: Live and In Person! brouchure and as Ron pointed out (because I probably wouldn't have noticed it) there are two MIB Mego 12" Hulks behind him. As for time and period, it's the early eighties and Ron is not sure if it's Queens or Long Island. Thanks Ron, this is really cool!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Evel Knievel : The Comic Book

A bravura addition to the site today, it's the Ideal Toys Evel Knievel giveaway comic in it's entirety. Even if it didn't have the Marvel Comic Logo on it, the art style would give it away. Like many promotional comics, it manages to crowbar in every Evel Knievel toy while telling some sort of story.

"The Perilous Traps of Mr Danger" is rated a hard R for language and strong sexual content, actually it's as tame and family friendly as you'd expect it to be.

Other related links