The Mighty and Men and Monster Maker was simply one of the coolest Monster toys ever. I don't know how many women I've known who wanted this but received it's female companion, Fashion Plates. This happened to my wife, who simply mixed fashion plates people with her brother's monster plates, genius. I got to play with one of these while watching "Mad Monster Party" at my friend Charlie's place this weekend, a total geek overload!

Charlie also sent in more pics of the Crestwood series of Monter Books, I had totally forgotten about the Mad Scientist one. I think I memorized the Godzilla book in fifth grade.

These color versions are harder to find according to Charlie, I've never seen them.

I picked up these cool Burger King Monster figures for my kids this past weekend at Kane County, there was a frankenstein but he's gone AWOL. My daughter won't put the "cree-ker" figure down, it's very sweet.

I don't know what it is about toyshows the last weekend in October but they put me in a monster toy buying mood, this weekend my entire haul was monster stuff. Including some spare crestwood books from Charlie, the previously mentioned Burger King figures and my grail for the past few months, the Remco Monsterizer.
This puppy is going to be on full display tonight along with my other figures. Happy Halloween!