Kenner's Six Milllion Dollar Man line rocked my world as a kid. I think it was incredibly popular, my mother said she nearly got killed getting the first Steve Austin doll for that Christmas.
Maskatron may have been the perfect toy,I mean it's a robot doll with John Saxon's head! (note that the masks in this catalog pic hadn't been painted yet) I even thought the Oscar Goldman doll was cool, plaid jacket and all.
What's weird is, toy junkie that I am, I have almost no desire to buy these toys now. I'm simply numb to them, it's strange. Maybe it's a good thing.
"What's weird is, toy junkie that I am, I have almost no desire to buy these toys now. I'm simply numb to them, it's strange."
That's funny, because I completely understand. I had Steve Austin, the capsule/lab thing, and Bionic Bigfoot, (my sister had the Bionic Woman.) I loved those toys and played with them constantly, but I've never been in a big hurry to replace my old ones. (Though I'd really like another Bigfoot.)
Bigfoot and Maskatron have been the two I've been dangerously close to buying on several occasions but I can't seem to pull the trigger....
I have all the toys and I never look at them, my mom never got rid of them, Oscar has his exploding briefcase and all, I have bigfoot and FEMBOT!!! she was better than maskatron!!!
Hi, got here from MetaFilter. I don't know if you've been recommended James Gunn's The Toy Collector yet, but between this post and your love of train wrecks, I can almost guarantee that you'd enjoy it.
I remember the Backpack it is showing - it was an AM radio, that did not have a battery, there was a little clip that you would connect to something grounded in the house like a sink faucet, and you could faintly hear some AM channels.
I was 9 but my sister was 6...does that still count? Lol. I was so seriously in love with steve austin that I thought I would die. I dreamed of being jaime summers just so I could have the six million dollar man all to myself. I pretended to be the bionic woman for a couple of years when I was a kid! I was looking through a cookbook of my mothers not long ago and inside, scrawled on one of the pages were these words "I LOVE THE SIX MILLON DOLLAR MAN" (million spelled just that way!) Talk about bringing back memories!
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