Someone always gets hurt when couples dress alike, mostly the man but as we will see soon, not always.
Two days until Megomeet, please check the Mego blog for more info.
Or The League of obvious bachelours
Or The Society of foreign Exchange students
I think their skin tight nature makes em worse.
Four days until the big event of toy geekdom, Mego Meet. If you're in Ohio or PA, this is a really cool day trip.
Found these and had to post them,just for their sheer coolness. I particularly love that Bert and Ernie constitute a pair. I don't remember these but for some odd reason I do remember wanting slippers just like these that had the McDonalds characters, God only knows why.....
Next week more toys, more pajamas and some nifty ladies fashions, oh my!
Maybe it's just me but I find this picture creepy.
It's almost as if this is a snapshot from a film where these two have just killed an old friend in a heated argument or the guy in white has finally realized he's on a hunting trip with a total nutjob.
Perhaps it's just me, either way, I wouldn't be caught dead in this and certainly wouldn't be romping around with another dude while wearing it.
On a much lighter side.......
The Megomuseum has listed yet another cool Mego Trading card, this time it's the Penguin. Scott managed to make even dorky figures look cool.
There is something about this photo that just made me laugh and I had to post it. These kids look PISSED and I gotta wonder if this is the best take or if it was an extremely long day.
Unlike most Catalog models, I didn't see much of these two in other pages either. Weirdness but I have worse than this coming up. I swear I'll use another catalog next week.
Some Cool News: The Mego Museum is having a raffle to promote their amazing trading cards, the prizes are actual rare MOC Mego Dolls, pretty amazing. Tickets are $5 each.
Forgot to add this brilliant ad from youtube, seeing as I'm on a Spidey kick today.
I seemed to be obsessed with the 1980 JC Penney, I swear I have more catalogs than this one, it's just on my desk.
Photo stolen from the Mego Museum but it's my scan so I can get away with it......
From 1980, these are official Mork and Mindy Rainbow Suspenders.
For the little hack in your household, Jay Thomas not included......