I truly am in awe of how much cool Big Jim stuff they got in Europe in the late 70s/early 80s. One of these days I'm going to track down all these pirates....
Due to all the nice requests about making more Pod Casts and our desire to talk, we've started a new concept here. Presenting the first Mini-Sode, an extra half hour show each month on a variety of topics that are perhaps not long enough for our standard format. For our inaugural mini-show we decided to pick a simple question "What were the last two movies you watched?" and it goes all the map from Italian futuristic gladiators to talking bears to super human Simon Pegg to punks in Toronto. Topics Include: Fulci, Kentucky Fried Movie, Zombie, Monty Python, Simon Pegg, Paddington, Peter Capaldi, Vic Morrow, Fred Williamson, Running Man, Mandingo, Meatballs,
Another cool Rack Toy for Battle of the Planets ( Gatchaman) that we never got in North America. Although this toy wouldn't have made much sense to us, as most of the scenes of Jason (Condor Joe in Japan) stabbing goons with his steel quill feathers were by and large cut from the show. But the even more interesting thing is the back of the card.
GAH! I would loved this as a kid. If I knew a kid who had this I probably would have friended him merely on ownership alone. Must track down that helmet and cape!
Just unearthed this sell sheet for GLJ toy's Godzilla bendy from the 1970s, there is nothing I don't like about this toy but the biggest thing is the amazing effort they put into this card art.
The connection to the Marvel Comic with the logo, really doesn't hurt does it?
This is a promotional poster Fundimensions released for the Space:1999 Eagle, I honestly have been smitten with this vehicle since i was five. Some guys love cars, I want an Eagle....
It's episode 42, we're both entirely too nerdy not to do an episode devoted to Douglas Adam's seminal "Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" series. Jason and Brian talk up the books, radio dramas, the BBC TV series and of course, the big budget movie from 2005. Along the way we veer off into Doctor Who, Time Bandits and ...Threads. So, grab your towel and join us! Hit us up on our facebook page with your feedback.
While packing up this month, i found this wonderful piece that belongs to my wife. It's a book and record set from France very similar to our Power Records or I guess the Disney book and records. Canada has a large French population so many books, records and toys native to France were available here. I am told that the French Battle of the Planets storybooks were in high demand at the local library where my wife grew up. While there is no real novelty to copying the record (at least for me, I only know swears), I did think it would be fun to scan the great art from the accompanying pages, so transmute after the jump.
It's been a while since I've found a Rack Toy that excites me (that sounds weird) but this week I totally have. These toys come from Remco/AHI and are as I can figure, the last line of these kind of licensed affairs that AHI was so known for in the 70s and 80s. Mighty Crusaders are a superhero team owned by Archie Comics, they have a great lineage but an awfully sporadic publishing history since the Golden Age. During the early 80s, they had a pretty decent attempt at a revival which spawned licensed toys from Remco. While the Remco Mighty Crusaders action figure line is fairly commonly found, these toys must have been produced in much lower numbers. I'm still not positive what got made and didn't .
Prior to this discovery, the only Rack Toys for the Mighty Crusaders I could confirm were these helicopters.
The back of the package suggests that Mighty Crusaders got the same treatment that Batman and Planet of the Apes did in the mid seventies with helicopters, Motorcycles and (gasp!) Parachute figures. (If you have one please email me, even if it's not for sale!)
A really nice shot of "The Web" figure, I'm glad that I keep running into one of my favourite characters when I do find this stuff. If you have any input on this Mighty Crusaders merch, I'd love to hear from you!