"I'm Adelle and this is Steven, we'll show you to your bunks. At 9am, we'll begin our worship hour followed by nine hours in the fields. Remember, Almighty Kevin is love."
We decided to put the show up a little early for the seventh anniversary of the site. Jason and Brain talk about their memories of the first time they saw Star Wars anything. The toys, the comics, the magazines, the school yard rumors, the knock offs, it's all there. We even get waaaay off tangent and start talking about Benson's replacement on Soap and why exactly do Logan 5 and Jessica 6 have British accents? We titled this volume 1 because there was no way in hell we could encapsulate all of the juggernaut that was Star Wars into one show, it will eventually become a trilogy.
I'm happy to announce that today marks the 7th Anniversary of the Plaid Stallions blog, mostly because I remembered it before hand. A lot has gone on since I first logged on that quiet Saturday afternoon and honestly, this whole thing has changed my life, entirely for the better.
I thought it would be fun to the run down some of my favourites of this past year, as it's been one of the best.
Top Seven Reasons I love doing this followed by a contest
Any good hero has a flash light in their utility belt and fortunately for toy makers children never stop being fascinated with them. Crap, I still annoy my wife with one.
Devlin found this photo at a junk store and submitted it to the blog. We have no idea who the girl is but she's meeting K.I.T.T , most likely at a car show
and most definitely in the early 1980s. I love the home made banner.
Knight Rider came out when I was 12, so I was not immune to it's charm, I would have been all over this...
It's been a long while since i printed up some new PS trading cards, mostly because of spending my time with Rack Toys (still available!) but this month I resolved to make some new entries.
The first is card #40, the Whip from the Big Jim's Wolfpack line of toys. I had been doing the members of this team since the start and recently we started a Big Jim collector forum at the MegoMuseum, so it was fresh in mind and a fun image.
I wasn't even planning to do Pulsar's enemy Hypnos as a card but when I came across this image, it just felt right. Although I'm sorry I didn't have time to correct the boo-boo in the corner, it adds to the charm of card #41. Pulsar was card #3 of this series, so you can make them fight i guess.
So it's a double shot from Mattel!
These just arrived so they'll start going out with orders, given away at toy shows and as prizes here.
I always loved how Hasbro gave the Angels a van and matching uniforms, they looked like some sort of sexy girl group. Hmmm, a sexy girl group all clad in spandex who drive around in a van and solve mysteries? I've got a pilot script to write. Should take me three hours, tops.
This man always rolls double sixes when love is on the line.
As an aside, had my father known this existed, he would have purchased it and worn it proudly. My dad loved Backgammon and even had a T shirt that proclaimed him "Backgammon champ". I have to thank the heavens that he never discovered this.
No, it's not the title of Don Knott/Tim Conway vehicle, although it should have been. I Spied these awesome little guys at a toy show. I wish I had a ten thousand square foot toy room....
I've had this for almost two years but it just recently dawned on me I've never shared it here. Things have been slow on the mall appearance submissions lately (please don't make me beg, nobody needs to see that) so I thought I'd begin a series of my collection of Superhero appearance photos. This one is probably my favourite and hangs on the door to my lair. I never saw this stage show but the sight of these characters cavorting makes me happy.
I'm also very smitten with the actress who played Wonder Woman, a wonderful casting choice that totally blinds me from the 32 year old boy wonder. More next week!
1975 was a very good year for G.I. Joe, well at least from where I stood, seeing as I was five at the time. The whole Joe line got a make over including the man himself a new more muscular body, gone were the solid boxes in lieu of blister cards.
The Ad campaign this year was "The 50 adventures of GI Joe" which rested mainly on previously released adventure sets mingled with new ones all on the new funky orange packaging that still completely hypnotizes me.
By this time Joe had a staggering amount of items available but this year would also see a new member.
Mike Power the AtomicMan was added to captilize on Bionic Mania sweeping the country and it really worked, until Kenner made us all forget about Mike... Check out the 1975 Hasbro GI Joe Catalog
I miss the days of figure model kits being easy to find, now it seems that hobby stores on the endangered species list. I try to put together at least a couple of kits a year with my kids
Hello Tally Ho! Brian
and Jason wax nostalgic about the pre internet days of toy collecting including
mail order catalogs, comic buyers guide and of course, Toyshop, outrageous phone bills,
trading, rigged phone auctions, ungodly waits and the thrill of the hunt.
It's really hard for me as a collector to not go completely nuts on vintage Adventure team GI Joe, there is some sort of trigger that gets pulled when I see sets like this. It's like my inner four year just wakes up and starts demanding things. Who am i to say no? I gotta live with him...
Oh yeah, who didn't want to be Rick and AJ? I think one of these clipped to my belt could improve my coolness factor to this day. Although I do admit, so would an onion, a rock or one of those pine trees they sell at the gas station.