Some important information:
- This is just for Brick, it does not include the Mego Museum Supercollector outfit, those will be back in stock in mid August at the same URL. (The mini museums are a pain to make)
- This is the first batch, if I sell out, it does not mean I am out of the figure, just out of assembled sets. Every one will get one, the boxes in my garage assure you.
- These are coming from Canada and take anywhere from 5 to 10 business days, Canada Post doesn't work weekends either.
- The doll comes as shown, you may or may not have to dress him yourself. This Depends on whether your set was assembled by Gallant (my friend, who lovingly dressed each one) or Goofus (obviously me, who was getting tired and hungry by this point).
It doesn't have to end there....
Once you get the doll, it doesn't have to end with you placing it on your desk. You've just opened up a world of opportunity in the world of Mego customizing. There are literally thousands of ways you can now personalize Brick. Here are a few online retailers that sell clothing and other bibs and bobs to make Mantooth completely yours: We wouldn't have this figure without Dr Mego and he makes a lot of cool stuff. Castaway toys- Boots, belts, jumpsuits, even vintage Action Jackson sets that will fit Brick.
If you still can't quite find that special outfit, check out the Megomuseum forums as there are several Mego scale tailors for hire.
More Mantooth Coming Soon:
As with any toy line, there will be lots of fun extras coming down the pike
Also, my pal Steve is hard at work with several 70s fashions for Brick that are just wonderful and fun. Look for my own weird limited edition Brick figures to arrive in September when I unveil "Project Mantooth".
Show us you Brick!
I want this to be interactive, so if you buy a Brick and alter it in any way (like Brick 5 here) please send me some shots. Take him on a trip? I wanna see! Did you puppy eat him? Send it down (but you're a very bad boy...oh I can't stay mad at you...)
Lastly, Thanks to:
I know I'm rambling but thanks and props have to go to the people who made this happen:
Scott Sansom (Sculptor), Scott Adams (Art and Design), Steve Stolk (Printing), Paul "Dr Mego" Clarke (our man in China), Steve Moore (Outfit prototyping), Ed Leung (doll dresserer), my wonderful wife and children who seem to ignore that their father is insane.
And many thanks to you, the reader, for supporting or at least enjoying this mad idea that clearly has gone too far.