We return with an exhaustive look at one of the most iconic action figures of the 1970s, the enforcer with a ghastly gleaming hand, the incredible Dr. Steel. We explore the character's origins, many foreign iterations, knock offs and all the different variations. Special thanks to Pascal Pinteau for his amazing help with this one, To order his magical book "Big Jim: Un Monde D'Adventures" click here: https://amzn.to/37qi0dW Hosted and edited by Brian Heiler (@plaidstallions) PlaidStallions Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/Plaidstallio... Plaidstallions facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/22262... Twitter: @plaidstallions
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Toy-Ventures: The Incredible Doctor Steel
We return with an exhaustive look at one of the most iconic action figures of the 1970s, the enforcer with a ghastly gleaming hand, the incredible Dr. Steel. We explore the character's origins, many foreign iterations, knock offs and all the different variations. Special thanks to Pascal Pinteau for his amazing help with this one, To order his magical book "Big Jim: Un Monde D'Adventures" click here: https://amzn.to/37qi0dW Hosted and edited by Brian Heiler (@plaidstallions) PlaidStallions Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/Plaidstallio... Plaidstallions facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/22262... Twitter: @plaidstallions
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Pod Stallions 73: Guilty Pleasures?
Our last podcast of the year began with the premise of Guilt Pleasures but evolved live into a discussion of whether or not the concepts should exist anymore at all.
This episode covers a ton of ground and includes a variety of topics including Jim Wynorski, Life Force (again), Hallmark channel movies, comfort food, there is a whole point where we just fanboy about the Watchman and we crescendo into Jason's new friendship with Rian Johnson. It's one of the most fun experiences we've had in taping this show and honestly, that's saying a lot.
Also, I'm super sorry about the sound quality, i've already made some purchases to fix that in the new year.
This episode covers a ton of ground and includes a variety of topics including Jim Wynorski, Life Force (again), Hallmark channel movies, comfort food, there is a whole point where we just fanboy about the Watchman and we crescendo into Jason's new friendship with Rian Johnson. It's one of the most fun experiences we've had in taping this show and honestly, that's saying a lot.
Also, I'm super sorry about the sound quality, i've already made some purchases to fix that in the new year.

Monday, December 23, 2019
Toy-Ventures: Planet of the Apes Display!
This week we take a look into my place and the new Planet of the Apes display case I put together.
Most of the stuff I haven't discussed prior to this including some cool AHI rack toys, Mego figures from Mexico and Japan, Super 8 movies and model kits.
Hosted and edited by Brian Heiler (@plaidstallions)
PlaidStallions Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/Plaidstallio...
Plaidstallions facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/22262...
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Star Trek Metal Detection Probe
I've written about this item before, a working metal detector with the Star Trek logo slapped on it but now, thanks to collector Dan Simpson, we're able to get a nice close up look at it. Join me won't you?
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Toy-Ventures: Popy TV Heroes
Toy-Ventures this week is all about the Mego Inspired line by Popy of Japan where they took the concept of the "World's Greatest Superheros" but used their own homegrown TV Superheroes at the time. It resulted in 8" Mego like figures of Ultraman, Kamen Rider, Gatchaman (Battle of the Planets to us) and Battle Fever J. Hosted and edited by Brian Heiler (@plaidstallions)
PlaidStallions Facebook Page
Plaidstallions facebook group
Twitter: @plaidstallions
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Official Star Trek pinball game by AHI
I am a total sucker for mid 70s Star Trek merch, the fonts, the bright colours, the flames shooting out of the Enterprise combined with a complete and total disregard for any sort of cohesiveness, nirvana.

I will require a Space:1999 Pinball game.
Don't forget to join our new facebook group.

Get the expanded digital edition of Rack Toys here.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
The best picture you will see today
My friend Ken shared with me this wonderful photo from around 1980 I suspect. I wish more of our parents took photos like this. Ken grew up not far from me and we can't ascertain if this is a WH Smith store of the Dominion Playworld in the Scarborough Town Center.
Either way, it's just glorious and I love the Mego Micronaut cameo.
If you have photos like this and want to share, PLEASE send them on down.
Don't forget to join our new facebook group.
Wednesday, December 04, 2019
Adventure People Rock!
The Fisher-Price Adventure people were a Christmas staple in my house, so much so that they always trigger happy memories when I see them. I still have my originals so I don't actually have a large collection of them.
Don't forget to join our new facebook group.
Tuesday, December 03, 2019
Toy-Ventures: Sears Space Command Playset
Time for another Toy-Venture, this week we look at the Sears Space Command Playset, a generic action figure environment that's also a recording studio for fashion dolls. Did I mention the working AM radio and microphone?
Hosted and edited by Brian Heiler (@plaidstallions)
PlaidStallions Facebook Page
Plaidstallions facebook group
Twitter: @plaidstallions
Monday, December 02, 2019
Moon Shadows!
In 2049, Mankind will be conquered by a group of genetically modified cyborg super pimps led by Dr. Xxxtasy and his constant companion Milky Way.
Don't forget to join our new facebook group.
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