Starting a look at the toys produced by Remco with the 1979 Energized Super Heroes selection, featurings not just Spider-Man but all your favourites getting the low tech electronic treatment.
Starting a look at the toys produced by Remco with the 1979 Energized Super Heroes selection, featurings not just Spider-Man but all your favourites getting the low tech electronic treatment.
Red Kryptonite has turned Superman into a blob of corn syrup! How will he defeat Godzilla now?
I love the lower pic of Elastic Superman hugging Godzilla's leg, that's how my daughter fights me. I used to have a couple of these Supermen, one burst and I found a mouse trapped in the corn syrup. Needless to say, I don't collect these anymore.
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then Ideal Toys certainly was sweet talking George Lucas with their line S.T.A.R Team toys in 1978. Each action figure had a vaguely "galaxy, far, far away" look to them. Also included is Ideal's electronic action figures Electroman and Zogg, enjoy.
I'm working on a Star Wars section for the site (very slowly) and this picture kind of gave me goosebumps, i remember seeing this display in Eaton's when I was 7. I hadn't seen Star Wars or really heard of it but I was so drawn to these plastic men I bought one right out. I guess technically my mom bought it. I even remember how these things smelled when you opened them, chemical goodness.....
In kindergarten (which was 1974), I played with a type of weird toy where the figures all connected, for hours at a time. I've been trying to figure out what they were ever since with no luck, so I just figured they were education toys produced by some anonymous company. Nope, they were produced by Mattel in 1969 and called TOG'L, kind of a weird precursor to the Micronauts. One childhood mystery solved, 1,200 to go......
The Plaidstallions mailbox was rocking this weekend with two new submissions for the Superhero Mall Appearance Gallery, the one above was sent in by James Powell, it's him and his sister meeting Spider-man in Orlando.
Darryl sent in these great shots from the 1984 Macy's Thanksgiving parade, here Mighty Mouse struts his stuff.
Red Kryptonite strikes yet again.
Down in Front! This picture is pretty wicked, check out that bat cowl and how often do you see Hawkman?
Send me your vintage superhero encounter photos and I will bestow upon you fabulous prizes!
Some girls toys for a change today, the 1978 Hasbro Charlies Angels catalog featuring the girls, their fashions and of course, you remember the treehouse they lived in right?
Were I not a happily married man, I would fill my basement with the stuff pictured above, especially that sweet combination ashtray/magazine rack. I even used to have that wood panelling, I knew I should have kept it!
It's not often I get to play toy detective (which is a shame because I have the hat and everything) so it was gratifying to make this discovery this week. Ever since I posted the Kenner Toy Proposals for the Man From Atlantis Line, I've wondered what the line would have actually looked like. Then I found a curious couple of pages in the far back of the 1978 Kenner Catalog that answered my question.
I am pleased to present Scuba Squad , Kenner's attempt to rebrand the toys they were making from the then cancelled series, which gives a glimpse of what might have been. Click the link to see the evidence yourself.
Those that know me, know of my fondness for plush superheroes, especially stuff like the mego super softies. I've always found these late seventies characters from Knickerbocker to be terrific but I'm perplexed by the exclusion of Batman, Batman always gets picked for the team!
They fight by night with the power of light! I really fun one today the 1978 section of the Hasbro catalog devoting to SuperJoe, G.I. Joe's futuristic kick at the can. Joe took a four year holiday after this, come see why! Also come check out our newly redesigned website, now with 50% more smooth.
I have to admit I really liked Star Trek The Motion Picture as a kid, not really the movie itself but the merchandising. As a kid I had all the Mego figures and the styrene bridge playset. I never saw this southbend enterprise or phasers but those would have been once they hit clearance because almost everything related to TMP eventually did......
Thanks to Mr Hurst's 3rd grade art class, I got into making latch rugs as a kid. For about ten minutes, somewhere in a landfill is a half done Superman logo (inspired by the movie) that I just bored with once nice weather arrived. I did finish a snoopy skating on a field of green though (they were out of blue).
These fine outfits are perfect for Jr. Proms, confirmations, sweet sixteens, weddings, Bar Mitzvah's and of course humiliation....
The Epherema blog has posted an interview with yours truly, which I admit I was surprised to be asked, it can be seen here.