New at Plaidstallions.com is the 1976 Big Jim and the Wolf Pack catalog, the theme this year was Double Trouble and it's seriously cool. As an added bonus I've added a few images of the toys in their boxes to the mix.
New at Plaidstallions.com is the 1976 Big Jim and the Wolf Pack catalog, the theme this year was Double Trouble and it's seriously cool. As an added bonus I've added a few images of the toys in their boxes to the mix.
Doctor Kromedome was created to fill a void in 1975 for Bionic Villains (Maskatron came in '76) , the buyer for Wards contacted friends at Mego Corp and this catalog exclusive "Bionic Villain" was born.
Kromedome's weird purple outfit, Cape and Cane kind of give him a bit of Cybernetic "Mack Daddy" vibe. Like he'd be on a street corner with a group of fembots around him or maybe that's just me.....
For more info on Doctor K visit his Megomuseum page, if you're looking for anything Mego check out their forums here. No better community on the web.
The Six Million Dollar Man "Tower of Power" playset gives you not only an Evel Kneivel esque vibe but also, 3 3/4" versions of Steve Austin and Bigfoot that can interact with your Stars Wars guys and Pocket Heroes.
Exactly why Steve Austin and Bigfoot are racing cars is anyone's guess.
With St. Paddy's day right around the corner, what better time than to provide you with a guide to some of the worst beverages known to man. Two men, four bottles, an evening of bum wine took years off my life.
All next week, it's a tribute to all things Bionic!
Yup, all secret agents use the biggest most noticeable weapon ever made. Not included but recommended is the over-sized foam hat with the words "Secret Agent" printed on it.
Actually, this looks like one cool toy.
I don't know why I don't own a Mego Batcave playset but for some reason I've never been able to get one. It really is a sweet item and was recycled a couple of times by Mego, it's even the Planet of the Apes Village!
One of the highlights of a recent trip to Chicago was being able to rummage through my friend Charlie's basement and look at his collection. It was almost a museum to growing up in the 70's, I thought I'd share random images of some of my favourite items. Expect a part two to this some time in the future.
I don't even collect Star Wars but I couldn't take my eyes off this vintage store display.
Loaded with Bronze age Marvels, not to mention multi packs.
Sigh, the one thing I could never seem to own, Stretch Monster.
Mattel Krusher MIB, I've never really looked at one before, just love it!
Finally something for my mantle....
With all the Pirate stuff in toy stores, I was reminded by the Matchbox line Fighting Furies, which was a line I never even saw as a kid.
The figures were very well made but it was probably was hurt by the fact that the line only had two characters (although a third ghost figure was added) and that Mego had released a Pirate line at the same time.
Fighting Furies were more popular in Europe where Lesney/Matchbox sold a FF cowboy line as well!
Added the best parts of the 1976 Hasbro Catalog to Plaidstallions.com today including the last year of G.I. Joe and the Adventure Team, Ricochet Racers, the amazing paint sets and Mickey Mouse.
Oh and let's not forget the Weebles!
Dress alike families perplex me,I know my mum tried this a few times but that sweater would instantly go to the bottom of the drawer for fear of us all wearing it on the same day. She went as far as to put our names on them once in those funky iron on letters, nice try but no luck....
Hey, it's Chief Dresses in the Dark!