Thursday, October 10, 2019

Classic Movie Monsters that actually glow in the dark!

I've put together dozens of these in my life time and let's face it, I have more in my future.

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  1. Hauntedheadful10/10/2019 12:39 PM

    Wish they still cost that much.I remember buying a "Monsters of the Movies" Dracula kit from a local department store in the mid 70's for $2.12,New Jersey State Tax included.At least theres still companies out there that are still employing the molds.I am a much better model builder now.

  2. Painting Dracula was such a chore.
    That stupid white shirt, the pendant and ribbon.
    More than 9 year old me could handle.

  3. Such nostalgia for these kits.

  4. I picked up the recent Morbious kit of the 'Creature from the Black Lagoon' toting Julie Adams. Beautiful kit. I want to paint it in shades of grey to get the B&W movie look.

  5. The big question This Anon desperately needs to know is how well do they glow in the dark? Not being flippant, either. For some of us, GITD is serious business.

    Vintage GITD comes in two varieties. Most of it manufactured back then "glows" so faintly the companies should have been sued for false advertising. I'm thinking in particular of the monumental let-down of the Renwal Human Skeleton Kit and its Revell re-cast.

    The Human Skull kit was another a wash-out, too. At least from the perspective of glowing.

    Both manufacturers added a paltry amount of luminous material to opaque white plastic. Naturally, this almost entirely obscured an already weak output. Even on a good day, zinc sulfide needed a heavy concentration in a very translucent plastic.

    Then there's the good stuff, the kind of GITD material that must have come straight out of the clean-up at Three Mile Island. Strontium Aluminate wasn't around back then so I have no idea what was actually being used, but the lights went out, it was HOT. Consistently gave my parents the holy horrors. To this day, I suspect they were behind the mysteriously consistent disappearance of my best glowy stuff. Because when I found GITD that was really good I got kinda OCD about cherishing it, the way little kids are prone to do.

    Good glow material turned up in the strangest placss, like gum-ball machine toys and cereal box prizes. It was weird because they were exactly the sort of products where the manufacturers should have been prone to skimp like crazy. But some of them... holy smokes.


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