Saturday, July 18, 2009

Marvel Heroes Hit Maine

Matt submitted these cool black and white shots of Captain America and the Hulk at the opening of the Bangor Mall (in Maine, of course) circa 1978. He also believes he has shots of Spider-Man and Darth Vader from the same event, stay tuned.

plaid Stallions mall appearance gallery

Send us your Mall Appearance photos!


  1. Wish they still did that. Do they?

  2. Dancin' Homer7/18/2009 7:20 PM

    Hulks eyes are FREAKING ME OUT!

  3. OMG! I"ve always wanted to see pictures of the Bangor Mall, when it first opened. Do you have anymore? I moved to Maine in about 85, and I've never seen what it looked like before that. I love looking at pictures of stuff from the 70's and 80's. Great pictures!


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