Friday, July 17, 2009

1975 Fisher Price Catalog

Fisher Price created some of the most durable and well remembered toys of our life time, if you're a 70/80's kid, you likely had wonderful afternoons with the little people and possibly graduated to the real world action of the Adventure People.

1975 was an amazing year for Fisher Price, not only did they launch the Adventure People but also released the Sesame Street Little People set, two incredibly iconic toys in one year.

Click the Thumbnails to see the page

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Buy, Sell or look for vintage Fisher Price Toys at our trading post


  1. I HAD the Sesame Street neighborhood playset thing. Damn I loved it.

  2. my niece is nearly old enough for me to start stocking up on old Adventure People stuff.

    I just wish I knew what happened to mine. My family on both sides is made up of pack rats, we don't throw anything away.

  3. WOW, looking at the FP toys in these pictures I totally flashed back to every pre-Kindergarten day care I ever spent time in. Some fond memories with some of those toys, msot of which I didn't even have; just played with at other places. I did have that orange "sport plane", which I don't think I ever knew what it went to. but it was one of my faves for years as a kid. I used it as a "civilian" vehicle with my GI Joes even when I was older. Thank so much for puttin this up!

  4. I have the safari set somewhere. What a great set that was. It's amazing how strdy all of those toys actually are.

  5. omg...I was wondering when you were finally gonna get to this. The FP playsets were my absolute favorite toys growing up. Those things lasted forever! Believe me, I launched that emergency rescue truck over make-believe cliffsides dozens of times, sending it tumbling over and over...and it never broke! In fact, I still have it in the garage, and the only thing not working is the little siren thing on top.

    I had everything shown in this post, and other favs were a speedboat with two scuba divers and a dolphin, and a riverboat thing that came with a yellow prop plane that attached to it. Yeah, that safari set freakin' ROCKED...I love how the giraffe is all tiny...yeah, totally to scale, right...I remember the gorilla and lion being total solid hunks of plastic. Man that was so much fun.

  6. Having looked at all the fliers - 1975 was clearly the best year for toys. I had a lot of the toys listed and the ones I didn't my cousins and friends had so I played with almost all of them. Thanks for taking me back.

  7. My daughter is in the photo. I think the boys name was Adam.

  8. My daughter is in that photo. I think the boys name is Adam.


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