Friday, April 10, 2020

Pod Stallions 77: Isolation Binge Watch

Greetings fellow shut-ins! Jason and Brain return for a bit of a departure episode in that we were so desperate to talk to each other that there really wasn't much planning.

Our subject this week is what we're watching to pass the time, not only from our physical media collections but from the various streaming services available in this wondrous age.

Topics range from Lee Marvin, Alec Baldwin's "The Shadow", Jim Henson, Roger Corman, Chopping Mall, weird movie commentaries, Sam Sherman, Dick Tracy, Ultraman, and Ultra Q and did you know Jason is a Star Trek character? It's freaking canon and everything!

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1 comment:

  1. That was really fun!
    If you could do that more often, or even a movie commentary, it would make life infinitely better.


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