Thursday, April 09, 2020

Bugmen of Insecta 1984 Catalog (Multiple Toys)

I've blogged about Bugmen of Insecta in the past but recently realized I had the catalog in the archive, while I vividly remember the figures, I certainly don't remember the vehicles!

I believe they're repurposed from another Toyline called "Dragon Riders of Styx" which is interesting because they were made around the same time by a company called "Dimensions For Children".

For no good reason, except that it's insect-related, I am including this page simply titles "Bags of Insects". No need to sell it to children, they know exactly what to do with this kind of thing and hopefully, it includes army men.

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1 comment:

  1. I guess it isn't surprising I never heard of this line. Looks more like a fanmade project, especially the crude vehicles. Maybe someone rushed this to market to beat out Sectaurs, which arrived in '85.


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