Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Amazingly Late Spider-Man

My pal Lynch sent me this absolutely awesome press photo which explains that Spidey rolled into this JC Penney 90 minutes late, not even a robot that throws candy could quell their Spider-Mania .

If you're into all things Spider-Man, check out this neat video put together by Lynch. It shows a kid's Spider-Man costume from the 1950s(!).


  1. 'Course if you know Spidey, you know that arriving 90 mins late is nothing new.
    Probably got waylaid by the Scorpion or something. :)

  2. What's incredible is that comics and merchandise signed "Spidey" or "Spider-Man" were from autograph sessions like these. They are not considered autographs when certified and considered a writing mark flaw.


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