Monday, June 23, 2014

Sesame Shirts

I would love to send an adult sized Oscar sweater back to myself in college.


  1. That blond kid is Ricky Schroder. It's probably one of the earliest ads he was in.

  2. I have a photo of me taken at a trade show in Springfield, MO with "Big Bird's cousin." This booth was sponsored by the local PBS affiliate. Big Bird's cousin is red with a yellow beak. You would think they would have an authentic Big bird outfit, but this is typical of things the half-assed things that go on in Missouri. The photo has become a joke with my family.

  3. Desdinova, do you think it was a St. Louis Cardinals Fredbird costume? We have to see the photo.

  4. No, but it kind of looks like what would happen if Big Bird and Elmo had a child. I find a way to get it to Plaid Stallions.


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