Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tarzan Underoos

Business man by day, Lord of the bedroom by night.


  1. For all the 21st century's problems, it's because of fashion alone that I'm extremely happy to be an adult in 2011 and not in 1977.

  2. #3: "Black Panther After Dark."

  3. I love the expression on Tiger Print Guy. He's clearly thinking "Man, I was so happy when I booked this gig and now I'm dressed like an extra in a low-budget porno flick. I hope they at least get my whole head in the frame..." D'oh!

  4. I dunno. All ethic groups aside, [including Caucasian men in their underwear, I'd rather be Mr.3 than Mr.1, any day of the week!
    Put on a smart expression, Mister one!


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