Monday, May 09, 2011

Sing along with GI Joe!

This G.I. Joe radio is completely bad ass but I'm confused as to what use the "Sing Along" feature would have to the bearded world adventure...


  1. The "Sing Along" feature was for those times, after a hard day saving the world, Joe would entertain the troops with his famous rendition of FEEEEEElings! Whoa, whoa, whoa, FEEEEEElings!

    (dodging tomatoes)

  2. "I'm a Lumberjack and I'm okaaaaaaay!"

  3. Why do the repeatedly mention how many transistors are in various parts of this thing? Do more components make things better? How many transistors is enough? Are they looking to shame all those shoddy 4-transistor radios and single transistor mics? TRANSISTORS!


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