Thursday, April 08, 2010

Yester Flooring

I'd prefer some more choices that involve gold but right now, I'm leaning towards brick rust..


  1. Jesus! That one in the center was in my house when I bought it! Used to make me dizzy and queasy just to look down. Yikes! Good old linoleum. Nothing like using all man-made artificial materials throughout the entire house. I can just see a pleather chair atop of it and a plastic side table.

  2. When I was little we had #65 'rug brick rust' in our kitchen...up until it was taken out in 1984 or so.

  3. When my wife and I looked for a new house a few years ago, we ran into several house like this. Senior citizens moving out and never updating their house in 30 years. Yikes!

  4. I bought a house like this John, complete with tons of #20 up there. The 70s nerd I am, it was fun at first to have wood panelling and shag carpeting but it got very old, very fast.

  5. Yum, off white and gold! Lucky you.

  6. My grandmother had "rug brick rust" in her kitchen, too. Had totally (and mercifully) forgotten about it until now.

  7. I'm fairly certain that we had the off white and gold in a house somewhere, but I can't quite figure out which one.

  8. Should I feel a little guilty that it's 2012 and I want this on my kitchen floor?


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