Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Sleeping Bag O Rama


This selection of sleeping bags from 1979 really taps into the pop culture at the time, it's a mish-mosh of TV Properties and popular brands. I'd have gone for the Black Hole at the time, you?

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  1. Gotta love the 'Big Red' and 'Doritos' bags. I've always wanted to be a stick of gum or a piece of junk food.

  2. I'd have went for Spidey or Hulk.
    I forgot how big Mork was for awhile.

  3. Superfriends for me. I love Doritos, but I'm just not sure I could commit to them deeply enough to sleep in them at a slumber party.

  4. It's kind of interesting (at least to me) that the generic sports & dog one was sold for the same price as the licensed ones. You'd figure they would be a little cheaper.

  5. Just noticed that the dog one was licensed as well, so they are all licensed except the sports one.

  6. I'm kind of spamming but couldn't find an edit button.

    But after checking how much $17.99 is worth today (around $64), these are surprisingly pricey. Though I base that on a quick Amazon search as I have no experience of licensed sleeping bags or how much they cost. ;)

  7. The Superfriends sleeping bag calls to me now. I bet you if they sold those today, they'd still sell like hot cakes :)

    Or at least waffles.

  8. I would have spelled Mork's catchphrase as "Na-Nu Na-Nu" per the actual pronunciation.

  9. Also, The Black Hole for me please, none of the other properties are the least bit appealing to me, even in '79.

  10. I'd totally sleep in the Doritos bag every night of my life!

  11. Around that time of my youth I most likely would have gone for Snoopy/Peanuts. Though the Black Hole would have also been a contender.

  12. I've never had a sleeping bag, but yes I would have loved The Black Hole. The Crayola, Super Friends, Spider-man, and Hulk sleeping bags look nice too, and so does "Give your breath long lasting freshness ... with Big Red".


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