Thursday, January 23, 2020

Home Bars: 1976

I know it sounds weird but home bars filled with weird swizzle sticks and glasses from "You keep the glass" specials at restaurants feel like childhood to me and always will...

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  1. Ah, nothing like when those vinyl chairs split then pinched the backs of your thighs when you were wearing shorts. Good times.

  2. Sears catalog fantasies: A bachelor pad with themed furniture (my favorite was mock pub with molded plastic barrels), fake ski lodge fireplace attached to the wall, and wholesomely sexy blonde lady modeling Loungewear on the simulated fur rug.

    Then the reality of a first actual flat, with the constraints of money, space, and the desperate need to present a veneer of Maturity to a girl who already rolled her eyes at your cool sports jacket.

  3. Those brown bar stools remind me of the ones I had in my home in the late 1970's. I have plenty of old photos and home movies with them. Those were our first ever bar stools, and the ones we have now are our fourth set.

  4. I would happily own any of that bar furniture and use it today.


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