Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Toy-Ventures: Sears Space Command Playset

Time for another Toy-Venture, this week we look at the Sears Space Command Playset, a generic action figure environment that's also a recording studio for fashion dolls. Did I mention the working AM radio and microphone? 

 Hosted and edited by Brian Heiler (@plaidstallions) 

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  1. The attempt to make this work for action figures as well as fashion dolls is really weird.

  2. As a boomer I was a bit late for these items, but I do remember how Sears would have two or three grades of certain playsets, differentiated by additional figures and vehicles and maybe a landscape piece or two.

    The most oddball Sears exclusive I can remember was in the 70s: A playset of Walt Disney World's Main Street, with optional little figures of tourists and employees, tiny streetlamps, etc. A flat cutout stood in for the castle. This was for kids or adults who wanted to simulate arriving at the theme park, but not yet reaching any rides.

    I will grant it was a nice piece of work, rendered in printed cardboard and plastic, but I would have been way more interested if they'd offered Mr. Toad's Wild Ride instead.


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