Tuesday, October 22, 2019

General Mills Cereal (Killer) School Supplies

(Matt brings us another amazing gem from his collection- BrAin)

Check out this wonderful pencil case set from the General Mills cereal monsters made in 1981.

At first glance, it just looks like a cute school supply set based on Frankenberry, Count Chocula, and Boo Berry.

But then look more closely, and see exactly what haunted house they are escaping from--

"Mother, Blood! -- oh God, mother, blood!"

The image of the Bates Mansion not only on the header card, but on the pencil case as well, just puts this one over the top.

Now we know why the three monsters look so frightened – they didn't realize that they were at the house of a -- ahem-- "cereal" killer.

Now, at last, we know what happened to poor old Froot Brute-- these three cowards obviously left him behind to face certain doom


  1. Fun pieces! I wonder if I had this, or part of it. Seems familiar.

  2. Hauntedheadful10/22/2019 9:25 AM

    Norman Bates:"Would you like to have dinner with me?I'm afraid all we have is Fruit Brute and milk".

  3. "Yummy Mummy, Blood! Oh God, Yummy Mummy, blood!"


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