Monday, July 29, 2019

Odyssey Video Games

The Odyssey video game system was the #1 choice of dads who purchased a video disk player instead of a VCR.

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  1. How awful is it that I had one of these AND and an RCA video disc player. I also had the JVC VHS player with GIANT colored buttons.

  2. The Battery Eliminator ruled!

  3. "The Odyssey video game system was the #1 choice of dads who purchased a video disk player instead of a VCR."

    You mean they were the trend-setters willing to drop the equivalent of a mortgage payment just to make their kids happy, right?

    :D This Anon simply couldn't help it. :D

    Video disk players were the #1 choice of dads who were more concerned with video quality instead of taping edited TV movies and sit-coms.

    That isn't snarkiness, either. VHS won the Great Videotape War because the format had a larger recording capacity. Didn't matter that Betamax delivered a better video. Didn't matter that Betamax had a smaller footprint.


    Betamax topped out at five hours recording, with two hours being average. That meant one movie a tape. VHS could store six hours comfortably which was at least three movies and a season finale of Family Ties.

  4. Yeah, but 6 hours was only on SLP speed and the video quality was horrific.

  5. Betamax was definitely the better quality product. They finally got their revenge with Blu-Ray.


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