Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Super Rare!

One of the nicest things that goes on at MegoMeet is that the dealer's humour me and allow me to document stuff I can't afford.

Case in point this Official Superman Super Streak by Azrak Hamway, one of the rarest rack toys I've ever come across.

My best guess is these didn't sell well due to the price point, the battery operated items from AHI always seem to have been produced in much lower numbers than stuff like the parachutists. 

If you're inclined to purchase this lovely man of steel, you can contact Vintage Toy Rescue but rest assured that $3 price tag is just there for atmosphere.

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  1. How does it work in reverse? Can it turn back the hands of time to save Lois?

  2. I'm sure super-streaking is a felony in some states....


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