Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Big Jim, Big Playsets

The smell of that vinyl is forever ingrained into my brain as happiness. Also, I did grow up thinking I'd have my own personal "Kung Fu Studio"

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  1. You probably already know this, but Mattel first used those playsets--with different designs, of course--as Barbie's United Airlines FriendShip and the Barbie Family House/Country Living Home.

  2. Similar concept, but the Barbie Family Home used a different mold and different lay-out, Skipper. Compare the "floor plan" and the plastic "roof/ handle" with Big Jim's Karate Studio...




    The Country Living Home used the same roof mold, though.

    More importantly, neither of those sets had a kickout wall or a Muscle Mover to let all Barbie figures move realistically -something that could have added substantial *cough* play-value.

  3. Not a whole lot of seating on that flight.


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