Tuesday, November 20, 2018

UFO Commander 7

As a kid, my grandparents gifted me a Jeek Tunneln for Christmas, on that side of the family I was one of eight, so I always ended up with surprising gifts I initially would question and later treasure, none so much as this toy.

The vehicle had no backstory but me being inspired heavily by daily doses of "Star Blazers" had a crew and a full story arc that summer.

I was shocked to discover that Japanese toy maker Shinsei actually did an elaborate comic book for each vehicle, describing the back story and what everything did. I didn't see this as a kid but would have enjoyed it.

I think I have a new obsession.

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  1. No denying the glory of Star Blazers, but this line does kind of look like a bunch of leftover robot parts randomly stuck together. Brain III appears to be part pencil sharpener.

  2. This Anon can't wait until our host secures the Blue Silver ship from the comic. It looks very, VERY much like the uncompleted "escape ship" in "The Thing".

    Blair's been busy out here all by himself...

    Even back then, one quick trip with Dad to the hardware store and one can of dark green Krylon later, it would have made a dandy Gamilon fighter.


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