Friday, May 18, 2018

The Six Million Dollar Man by Kenner

Happy Bionic Friday everybody!

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  1. That's one tricked-out oxygen tent Stevie has.

  2. From the look of it, this Anon's first reaction was either a bionic green-house or a special containment room for a bionic Andromeda Strain.

    Top Cat says it's an oxygen tent, which makes sense. The whole back story was Austin got injured in some Apollo 1 style tragedy.

  3. Why is the featured action pose of Steve taking a dump?

  4. Seventiesfan5/27/2018 8:01 PM

    That Six Million Dollar Man ad looks like a shelf in my room, full of Bionic toys.

  5. It can't be an oxygen tent with electronics that turn of and off power by electricity ,sparks ? Sounds like another episode where the OSI has to rebuild Steve and the rest of the neighborhood. I think its actually a wet bar :


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