Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Inflatable Home Decor

Did anyone else grow up thinking that inflatable furniture would be a bigger part of our daily lives?

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  1. There's an ashtray on the yellow table, if you had a room full of smokers you had the potential of a bunch of people suddenly laying on the floor as a result of careless ash flicking!!

  2. I don't know about inflatable furniture but I think the decor is groovy!

  3. Seventiesfan5/09/2018 10:00 PM

    There was a Happy Days episode with inflatable furniture in the Cunningham living room. Howard didn't like it one bit.

  4. Oh I remember seeing these (I think) in the Sears catalogue and thinking the future had arrived. I wanted that armchair and hassock in the WORST way. Ironically, when I went to college I had an inflatable air mattress, a lawn chair and a desk in a room a rented for a year. I could have used that arm chair :-(


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