Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Hat Decision Day

 With spring finally arrived, it's time to pick a new hat, leaning towards the Wide Brim Hunter, gives me a nice "Marlin Perkins" vibe.

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1 comment:

  1. You know, in my early years, my DAD had a combo, mustache-and-sideburns...kind of moustache, like the guy in the 2nd photo!

    But, truth be told- it looked kind of odd, people say.
    Well, his clothing was more like Tim Conway, than Jimi Hendrix, back then- so that may explain why this moustache didn't go over well.

    My Dad asked me, "Do you remember that moustache?", and I said, "Nope."

    So he said- "Well, we sometimes try to forget, the really, really painful things!" :D


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